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A car accident changes nurse Sofia’s life. She recognizes the victim, Henri Vaartama. But her father, genetic scientist Hannu Sivenius doesn’t let Sofia get involved in Henri’s care and treatment. When the truth about her father’s secret lifework starts to unfold, it’s certain that Sofia’s and Henri’s emerging relationship is doomed: Henri was created just so his stem cells could be used as a treatment for Sofia’s blood disease.
Will Sofia expose her father’s actions to the world, or will she cooperate to change all of our lives – even if it’s going to be illegal and dangerous for everyone?

Genre: drama, mini-series

Format: 12x52'

Directed by: Jyri Kähönen, Jappe Päivinen, Miikko Oikkonen


Original Broadcasters: Nelonen

Cast: Elena Leeve, Taneli Makela

Year of production: 2014

International Sales: Federation

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